Book 3: The solar revolution

                       part 1


        head minister of Nirvana kingdom


    Woolooga, third of his name, emperor and guardian of time, space and all realms, sat floating in an oval, made by swirling lights. This was a time realm. In here, he could control time, space, and all dimensions, from the first dimension to the 24th. In the Nirvana falls, his power acted so strong that he could punish anyone who was messing with time. The Nirvana falls were part of an extremely small galaxy, but the falls themselves, known as the falls of time, were infinite.


    Suddenly Woolooga opened his eyes. The oval collapsed. Red lights were dancing in his eyes. Warfare. Destruction. Intruders were in the Nirvana falls. He tried to see who they were. But nothing came, like if the intruders could repel his powers. Then a laugh echoed in his head. Woolooga! Listen to your people, screaming revenge! Listen! Listen!! They want your blood, they want revenge! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

    Then Woolooga’s eyes started to turn, and he fainted.


            Roykkal, capital of Necreon


    "Maya was a simple maid in the minister’s building. She was using the new small plasma triangles that slid across the floor, walls and ceiling, cleaning everything. Then she heard a Nuclear blaster being fired in the highway above. She ran in the teleporter that transported her to the top of the building. This was the way of life: rich people in the top of the buildings, ruling the sun that shone down on Arcania, their planet. The lower the floor you lived on, the poorer you were. And the homeless lived in the “streets” below, where rats, worms and other creatures creeped about.

What she saw on the highway terrified her. Royal guards were on a merciless combat against what seemed like revolutionnaires. They were shouting and raising flags with the same writing everywhere: “Time is gone. Woolooga shall fall!” And that’s when the world started going chaos.



                    Travornia, Veldor

Oceana was a citizen of the Veldorian empire, which had risen from the time when the Elders had the power. Of course, she was there as the first colonial ships left the newest capital, Travornia, like all other citizens.  Again, it was more complicated than that. After the first ships went out of the solar system, there was various revolutions all over the planet, commanded by the lead state, Veldor, or at the time, the Silence. At the end though, there was a problem. The different leaders wanted to be independent, while the Silence, led by Johnny Halvard and his loyal followers wanted to make a unified Interstellar Empire.

The Silence had unleashed their hidden power in every country, for the fool Jhonny Halvard was planning about conquering the other countries for himself. Ruining the enemy’s industrial power, making the states turn down on themselves like a black hole, causing a worldwide civil war. But then the idiot Johnny Halvard “led his heroic troops to save the world from self destruction.” But they had forgotten one thing on the newspaper: that when the other dictators, already losing power each day, went on their knees in front of Johnny for surrender, he had them locked up in his stinky prisons. He had brought his army to each country, helping the Veldorian side of the civil war, crushing the other like flies.

Finally there was the U.H. (United Hawuna), under the rule of the most brilliant dictator and general the world had ever seen, commonly known as the 21st, or the 21st Elder, for the books had said one Elder had left his post as a guardian, to a faraway country.

          First both Powers tried to win the war by overcoming the other in economic and industrial value. That, another branch of the Silence handled. Secretly, Halvard made his new minister of secret military affairs drop troops all over the polars, next to the thin but long U.H. territory, stretching from north to south, touching the polars. Next, they mobilized the tribes there, and secretly started building missile launchers, airports, and a fleet that had as a goal to make a cargo barrage, and stopping boats from other U.H. states to come. No doubt the U.H. was doing something similar. And when both sides found out, it was too late. In a day, the U.H. sent 250 fleets of their newest molecular-travelling ships, and bombarded more than a thousand cities, killing millions of civilians as well as soldiers. In revenge, the Silence invaded south Hawuna, crushing the resistance at the battle of RockFall, when the Silence’s 1,000 infantry in fighting suits, supported by heavy artillery, and continuous raids from small drones, on the top of a ravine, shot the U.H. troops one by one. There was nothing the poor infantry and ground tanks could do except shoot, miss, die. Shoot, miss, die. On and on.

    With that done, the minister brought his navy over to attack the port of St. Logsbury, where he suffered a considerable defeat, for the U.H.’s general had planned this attack, and hidden a cloud fortress above the port and its surrounding. The approaching fleet was immediately bombarded by the Cloud Fortress attacking system.

The war ended a rather unattended way: a minor revolution broke up, as an excuse to making three others break up all over Hawana. The Silence saw this as an opportunity, and sent five million infantry in the south, and slowly but steadily conquered Hawana, then the rest of the U.H. states. The silence had won.


Oceana had joined a conspiracy group against Halvard after the Silence had beaten the U.H, and the small group slowly organized a plot to kill Johnny Harvard. They had enough of this dictator who only cared about his personal business, like when he was heading to the galaxy Grovnia to the greatest interstellar library to discover the secret of the Elders, and then he found out his son had gone on his way to Neocreon to find out the truth. He chased his son all the way to the Nirvana falls after he had been captured by the last followers of the Shakinan empire, who were now becoming time pirates in the Nirvana falls using atom traveling, which had been impossible until they had discovered the secret two months ago. Or it could also have been in 500,000 years in the future. You never knew with space pirates.

So basically, the world was screwed up. A revolution had started in Neocreon, saying that Woolooga will die, and time with him. Then space barbarians had united themselves against the Veldorian empire and the Neocreon empire. And as if it wasn’t enough, the new Shakinan leader had declared war against the universe, Woolooga and his time fleets included. Then Woolooga disappeared, leaving the throne to Kapland, who immediately allied with a small new empire named “OMX approach”, declaring war against the Shakinan empire, then against the Veldorian empire. Then the Shakinan leader died, replaced with a bright young Gouldian, one of the last of his kind, originated from Zector-2.

Yeah. The world was screwed up. And all because Johnny Halvard sent spaceships outside the solar system. If he had stayed, the universe would be nice and pleasant. Right Woolooga?" "Yes", he responded. The rest of the long forgot Elders nodded, floating in their invisible shields. Woolooga then announced: "I thik that we share the same opinion: we have to take action. You are all dissmissed".


        To be continued...